PE Grammar Tree, after ExprMode Computation

This file is a companion to the file 'doc_emodes.txt'. The former
describes the node attributes we wish to have, here we formally
specify the properties of the attributes, and then derive from that an
algorithm for their computation.

Per node

First we specify the properties of the attributes on a case by case
basis, for each possible type of node. This may invole a lot of
repetition, but this detail is necessary to be able to the patterns in
the definition which then allow us to simplify things.

	X		Current node.
	parent(X)	Parent node of X.
	users(X)	n-Nodes invoking the definition.
	def(X)		Definition node invoked by X.
	children(X)	Set of all children of X.
	child(X)	Child of X (if X has only a single child)
	|S|		Cardinality of the set S.
	AllYes(X)	gen'(Y,yes), for all Y in children(X).
	AllNo(X)	gen'(Y,no),  for all Y in children(X).
	SomeYes(X)	gen'(Y,yes), exists  Y in children(X).
	SomeNo(X)	gen'(Y,no),  exists  Y in children(X).
	Mode(X)		Nonterminal mode provided by the input.
	Discard(X)	Mode(X) == discard
	Value(X)	Mode(X) == value
	Data(X)		Mode(X) in {match, leaf}

Node type	acc(X)			gen(X)
~~~~~~~~~	~~~~~~			~~~~~~
DEF		FALSE,	!Value(X) ||	yes,    Data(X)    || (Value(X) && AllYes(X))
		   !acc(child(X)) ||	no,     Discard(X) || (Value(X) && AllNo(X))
			USER ||		maybe,  Value(X) && !AllYes(X) && !AllNo(X)
		TRUE,	else

	USER = (|Users(X)| == 1) &&
~~~~~~~~~	~~~~~~			~~~~~~
!, &		FALSE			no
~~~~~~~~~	~~~~~~			~~~~~~
?, *		acc(parent(X))		no,	AllNo(X)	[2]
					maybe,	else
~~~~~~~~~	~~~~~~			~~~~~~
+		acc(parent(X))		yes,	AllYes(X)
					no,	AllNo(X)
					maybe,	else
~~~~~~~~~	~~~~~~			~~~~~~
x		acc(parent(X))		yes,	SomeYes(X)	[3]
					no,	AllNo(X)
					maybe,	else
~~~~~~~~~	~~~~~~			~~~~~~
/		acc(parent(X))		yes,	AllYes(X)	[3]
					no,	AllNo(X)
					maybe,	else
~~~~~~~~~	~~~~~~			~~~~~~
t, epsilon,	acc(parent(X)) [1]	yes,    acc(parent(X))
dot, alnum,				no,    !acc(parent(X))
~~~~~~~~~	~~~~~~			~~~~~~
n		acc(parent(X))		yes,     acc(X) && gen'(def(X),yes)  
					no,     !acc(X) || gen'(def(X),no)   
					maybe,   acc(X) && gen'(def(X),maybe)
~~~~~~~~~	~~~~~~			~~~~~~

From this specification we can draw the following conclusions about
the properties and their calculation:

- Acceptance data is defined top-down, from root to the leaves.

- Generation data is defined bottom-up, from leaves to the root.

- In the leaves Acceptance data is converted into Generation data.
  Nonterminal calls additional hook in the Generation data of the
  called symbols.

- In the definition Generation data can convert into Acceptance data,
  and Nonterminal uses hook in the Generation data from the calling
  nodes, and may hook in Acceptance data as well.

The important places are the two sides of boundaries, i.e. the
definition nodes, and the n-Nodes calling on definitions. Only there
the property values may need resolution of conflicts. Anywhere else
the values are derived in simple equations, allowing their computation
in trivial sweeps.


1.	Initialization.

	acc(X), gen(X) for all DEFs, without consideration for
	children and users (use maybe for unknown parts).

2.	Sweep

	For all definitions

	a.	Sweep top-down.
		acc(X) for all nodes.

	b.	Sweep bottom-up
		gen(X) for all nodes.

3.	Resolution.

	Recompute acc(X), gen(X) for all DEFs, using the full
	equations. Remember which nodes changed.

4.	Repeat from 2 using the remembered set of DEFs, if not
	empty. Stop if the set of changed DEFs is empty.

Algorithm 2

1.	Initialization.

	acc(X), gen(X) for all DEFs, without consideration for
	children and users (use maybe for unknown parts).

2.	Sweep

	For all definitions

		Sweep top-down.
		acc(X), gen(X) for all nodes

		The gen(X) is possible because an initial value is
		directly computable from acc(X), without having to
		look at the children at all.

		!acc(X) => gen(X,No).
		 acc(X) => gen(X,Maybe)

		 Even better. If !acc(X) we can count the type of
		 calls for invoked nonterminals, and if that is the
		 number of users we can immediately change their
		 acc(X) and sweep down further (similar to reachable).

	We remember the interesting places where things can change.
	The leaf nodes, and lookahead operators.

3.	Sweep the 2nd, working up from each interesting place (sorted
	by depth, deepest first) up through the ancestors, and when
	reaching def-Nodes we can now sweep up further into the users.

	If this changes acc(X) for a definition (only down to discard)
	we remember, and after completion go back to 2.

[1] Actually the value is not really relevant as there are no childen
    to consider. However with the chosen definition the number of
    special cases to consider is reduced. I.e. the definition of the
    function is more uniform.

[2] The *- and ?-operators match even if the expression underneath them
    does not. In which case there will be no SV. So the best we can
    say even if the expression surely does generates an SV is maybe.

[3] The x- and /-operators can be made more accurate if we have data
    about static match results, as this information can cut down the
    set of children to actually consider for matching and generation
    of values.